Valka Haddock

  • Age: 44

  • Sin: Pride

  • Film: How to Train Your Dragon 2 & 3

  • Lost Item: Rattling Staff

  • Face Claim: Marion Raven


How to Train Your Dragon 2

Five years after the Vikings of Berk made peace with the dragons, Dragon Riders participate in a race that involves sheep as points (known as Dragon Racing). Stoick notices his son's absence from the race.Hiccup is on adventures with his Night Fury, Toothless, as they discover uncharted lands and new territories. Hiccup reveals to his girlfriend, Astrid, that he's been avoiding his father, who intends to make Hiccup the Chief of Berk due to his coming of age and his good deeds, which Hiccup is reluctant to accept.During one of their adventures, Hiccup and Toothless discover a new, distant land. They, along with Astrid and Stormfly, meet a Dragon Trapper named Eret, son of Eret, who captures dragons for an insane conqueror named Drago Bludvist, whose goal is to take control of the dragons, and then the world. Hiccup tells his father of the encounter, and Stoick, remembering the Malevolence of Drago Bludvist, tells the village to ground all the dragons and prepare the island for war. Hiccup reacts strongly against this decision, desperate to prove he can change Drago's mind and prevent the coming war. Stoick tells him some minds can never be changed. Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, and Stormfly rush off against Stoick's commands, flying off to find Eret and his Dragon Trappers. Hiccup and Astrid find Eret on his boat, where Hiccup tries to show Eret he can change the trappers' minds about dragons. Before Hiccup shows Eret how incredible dragons truly are, he's interrupted by the rest of the gang attacking the ship and Stoick and Gobber boarding it. Stoick demands Hiccup return, revealing Drago slaughtered dozens of chiefs in the past, but Hiccup can not be convinced. He leaves claiming if he could change Stoick's mind about dragons, he can change Drago's. Astrid makes to follow but Stoick puts his foot down: he's had enough mutiny for one day and orders her to lead the other riders back to Berk.Hiccup and Toothless fly over a massive sea of clouds, and Hiccup vents frustration with his father by yelling angrily at the sky. He lays back on Toothless, patting him, and promises he won't let anything happen to the dragon. An ominous sound from below causes Toothless to look down at the clouds with a snarl. A figure rises beside Hiccup, who assumes it's his father before turning to see a bizarrely clad Dragon Warrior who apparently stands on the clouds. Hiccup tells Toothless to remain calm as the figure vanishes beneath the clouds, but within moments a massive Stormcutter erupts in front of Toothless with the strange rider standing on its back. The two dragons face off, beating the clouds around into a massive fog as they hover in front of each other. Another dragon rockets towards Toothless and rips Hiccup off of his back, leaving the Night Fury to plummet into the icy ocean below. Hiccup shouts desperately back at him and at the rider, begging the silent figure to go back and rescue Toothless from drowning. As Toothless struggles in the ocean, Seashockers notice him and pull him beneath the waves. All that is left is a hole in the ice and Hiccup's floating helmet. Hiccup is taken to a cavern full of dragons where the rider watches as Hiccup defends himself and pacifies the dragons using his fire blade, Inferno. The rider moves in.Hiccup tries to get his captor to speak, but the warrior only whirls their staff around, summoning dragons to bring the soaking wet and exhausted Toothless into the cave. Hiccup runs up and hugs the dragon in relief, while the strange warrior cocks their head in curiosity. Hiccup's captor signals for the dragons in the cave to open their mouths like torches, filling the room with orange light. The figure approaches Toothless, and with a hand motion near his face, causes him to roll over in a trance-like state. The warrior reaches toward Hiccup's face and gasps upon seeing the scar on his chin.The warrior calls Hiccup by his name in amazement, takes off her helmet, and reveals she is a woman. She stands erect and asks how it is possible after all the years, and Hiccup asks if he should know her. She admits he shouldn't, but as his mother, she could never forget him. Before Hiccup recovers from the shock, she tells him to follow her and rushes off into the maze of caves.Hiccup's mother, Valka shows him an incredible Dragon Sanctuary, housing hundreds of dragons she rescued. She is surprised Hiccup isn't upset with her, but he has a hard time processing it all. Valka introduces herself to Toothless and marvels over him, asking how Hiccup bonded with him. Hiccup is forced to confess he shot the dragon down, but the two are clearly on good terms about it as Toothless happily bucks him onto his back. Valka asks what Stoick thought of Toothless, and Hiccup tells her Berk changed, which she isn't willing to believe. Valka explains how she once tried to speak out for the dragons but no one listened, and how in her hesitancy to fight them, she almost got both Hiccup and Stoick killed. That's why she stayed away after the dragons took her, and she claims it broke her heart to do so. Valka then shows Hiccup a gigantic sea dragon sleeping in the middle of the sanctuary. It's the Bewilderbeast, the Alpha Dragon, and the king of all dragons. He created the nest, and all the dragons are under both his care and command. Hiccup is awed by the massive, gentle creature, and Toothless bows his gaze to the Alpha in respect. Valka and Hiccup spend a great deal of time learning from each other, and she offers to let him stay with her there, claiming his identity could be found the same way she found hers. But Hiccup wants to find Drago.Stoick and Gobber track Hiccup to this cave where they discover Stoick's wife is still alive; Gobber is so shocked at the revelation that he has to sit down. After the long-separated couple rekindles their love, they decide to return to Berk. Drago has also tracked them to the island and unveils his secret weapon -- another Bewilderbeast, but trained to be a war machine. Eret betrays Drago and joins forces with the riders before a titanic battle ensues and the two Bewilderbeasts face off. Drago's Bewilderbeast defeats the Alpha and kills him by goring his belly with his horns, thereby ending the fight by becoming the new Alpha and taking control over all the dragons, including Toothless, who now won't respond to Hiccup's command. Drago gives the order for the Alpha to kill Hiccup, and it sends Toothless. Drago leaves Hiccup to his fate as he prepares his now larger army for the invasion of Berk.Stoick and Valka see Hiccup in trouble and both rush to rescue him. Toothless prepares to fire a fatal plasma blast at Hiccup while he pleads for Toothless to snap out of his trance but to no avail. Toothless fires the shot, but Stoick pushes Hiccup out of the way and is shot himself. Valka and the other Dragon Riders rush over to Hiccup and Stoick; after Valka listens to Stoick's chest, the look of sadness on her face reveals that the chief has passed away. Now, even Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf and Belch, Cloudjumper, Grump, and Skullcrusher succumb to the Alpha and join Drago's army.The Bewilderbeast releases Toothless from its control, after which the Night Fury realizes what he did and attempts to help Stoick.Hiccup, blinded by the loss of his father, yells at Toothless to leave. Toothless is under the Alpha's control again and Drago rides Toothless to lead the final invasion of Berk. Hiccup, Valka, and the Dragon Riders hold a Viking funeral ceremony for Stoick. Hiccup, now filled with determination and regret at the loss of his father and the capture of his dragon respectively, decides they will fly back to Berk and defeat Drago once and for all.The dragons on Berk behave weirdly and lose their free will as Drago and his Bewilderbeast arrive. Drago announces Stoick is dead and that no one is going to save them, then his Bewilderbeast freezes Berk. The Dragon Riders ride the baby Scuttleclaws to Berk as Hiccup learns from Valka earlier on that baby dragons aren't affected by the Bewilderbeast's control.In the ensuing chaos, Hiccup and the Dragon Riders return to find Berk frozen as Drago's Bewilderbeast attacks the village.Valka, Gobber, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Eret work together to distract the Alpha while Hiccup confronts Drago and the brainwashed Toothless. Drago is surprised to see Hiccup still alive and orders Toothless to shoot Hiccup again, promising he won't miss this time. Hiccup attempts to break Toothless out of his trance stating he knows Toothless would never hurt him or his father and that he is his best Friend. After a little while, he succeeds, much to Drago's surprise, who immediately orders his Bewilderbeast to try to regain control of Toothless. Hiccup gets through to Toothless who throws Drago off his back. Drago falls onto his Bewilderbeast while Hiccup gets onto Toothless and flies him to safety before they could crash into the ocean.After reaching the surface, Hiccup blindfolds Toothless to prevent the Alpha from controlling him again and Toothless trusts Hiccup to be his eyes. Drago orders his Bewilderbeast to shoot Hiccup and Toothless once more, and freezes the both of them in a big blast of ice, seemingly killing them. As Valka and the villagers of Berk grieve over their apparent deaths, Toothless, now glowing blue with plasma charge, breaks the ice, revealing he and Hiccup are safe.Toothless, now with enhanced firepower, challenges the Alpha Bewilderbeast. The Bewilderbeast, being distracted by Toothless, loses control of the other dragons, who all join the people of Berk in a final standoff against Drago and his Bewilderbeast.Enraged, Drago orders his Bewilderbeast to attack, but Toothless and all the other dragons: the ones from Berk, the ones from Valka's Sanctuary, and even Drago's own army of armored dragons, retaliate by firing at the Bewilderbeast simultaneously, blasting off Drago's metal arm. It tries to fight back with one last blast, but Toothless delivers the final shot that severely injures the latter, blasting off his left horn in the process. Toothless aggressively asserts his dominance; as Drago tries to hang on, the cowed Bewilderbeast retreats into the ocean as the villagers celebrate their victory. Hiccup and Toothless look down at where the Bewilderbeast dove, but see no sign of Drago. The dragons land around Toothless as Cloudjumper approaches him, then bows deeply, crowning him as Alpha of the dragons. All the other dragons follow suit as Toothless straightens to his full height in acceptance.Eret jokingly teases Hiccup would make a great Dragon Trapper, to which Hiccup notes his father's Rumblehorn, Skullcrusher, now needs a new rider and thus offers Eret to bond with him.Astrid is happy Hiccup finally found what he searched for, and they kiss. When Gothi the Elder directs him to a fallen brazier, he knows what she wants and nods: he kneels before her and she officially appoints him as chief.Gobber proclaims that the chief has come home as the villagers cheer. As Hiccup does the closing narration, Berk is being rebuilt, Drago's dragons are freed of their armor and welcomed to Berk, and a monument in Stoick's honor is in the process of being chiseled out of the cliff outside the entrance of the Great Hall. After Hiccup and Toothless help deliver tools and materials for a roof repair, they join Eret, Skullcrusher, and the others in the middle of a Dragon Racing practice match. The film ends with Hiccup proudly declaring, while others may have armies and armadas, Berk has their dragons.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

One year after the events of the previous film, Hiccup continues to rescue dragons with his fellow Dragon Riders and friends. Even though he has fulfilled his dream of creating a utopia where humans and dragons live together, Hiccup still tries to save dragons and bring them to Berk while dreaming of finding the mythical 'Hidden World', a safe haven for dragons his late father Stoick told him about. Unfortunately, his efforts have also resulted in the island becoming severely overpopulated with dragons. Meanwhile, a white female Night Fury-like dragon, held captive by the Warlords, is given to the famed dragon hunter Grimmel the Grisly as bait for him to capture Toothless for the Warlords' use as an Alpha.Toothless discovers the female Fury (dubbed a "Light Fury" by Astrid) in the woods around Berk, the two quickly becoming enchanted with each other; yet, the Light Fury senses Hiccup's presence (him having followed Toothless) and flees. Hiccup and Tuffnut later discover Grimmel's dragon traps in the woods. Grimmel visits Hiccup that night, but the latter has prepared an ambush to capture him; Grimmel manages to escape, burning Hiccup's house and many others in the process. Hiccup rallies Berk's citizens and dragons to leave Berk on a quest to find the Hidden World.Mid-journey, the Berkians discover an island on which they initially plan to rest; soon, though, they decide to settle there, even if only temporarily. Seeing Toothless' inability to fly solo hindering his growing relationship with the Light Fury, Hiccup builds him an automatic tail. Upon receiving the tail, Toothless flies off, meeting the Light Fury on his own and flying with her to an unknown land. Valka, on a scouting patrol, notices Grimmel's approaching army and quickly reports back to warn Hiccup. Hiccup and the Dragon Riders head to capture Grimmel; yet, they fall into his trap, barely escaping. Ruffnut, however, is captured but irritates Grimmel until he lets her go. Unknown to Ruffnut, she has accidentally revealed the Berkians' new location and Grimmel secretly follows her.Hiccup and Astrid search for Toothless, finding the Hidden World and seeing Toothless and the Light Fury leading the dragons there as Alphas and mates. However, the two are soon discovered, Toothless being forced to leave and take Hiccup and Astrid back to the Berkians. Hiccup realizes his people wouldn't be safe living with dragons in the Hidden World, and moreover, have no business intruding upon the dragons' home. Suddenly, Grimmel, having followed Ruffnut, appears and captures Toothless and the Light Fury.With Astrid's encouragement, Hiccup sets out with the Dragon Riders to stop Grimmel and his army and save Toothless, the Light Fury, and all the captured dragons. Gliding in on wingsuits, the group catch Grimmel's army off-guard, igniting a massive battle. Hiccup frees Toothless, while Grimmel drugs the Light Fury into obeying him. Hiccup and Toothless give chase; after a heated aerial duel, Grimmel tranquilizes Toothless midair. Hiccup, realizing he cannot save Toothless by himself, frees the Light Fury instead and asks her to save Toothless. Hiccup and Grimmel plummet to the sea with Hiccup fully accepting that this may be his end. The Light Fury, however, unexpectedly returns to save Hiccup, while allowing Grimmel to fall to his death.The battle being over, back on the island, Hiccup fully realizes that the dragons will likely never be safe in the human world and that the Hidden World is where they truly belong. With great sadness, Hiccup and Toothless bid farewell to each other as all of the Berkians set their dragons free. Toothless and the Light Fury then lead the dragons to the Hidden World. Months later, Hiccup and Astrid get married as the Berkians settle permanently onto their new island. Afterward, Hiccup, Astrid, Valka, Gobber, Eret, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Snotlout, and Fishlegs stand at the edge of the cliff looking off towards the Hidden World wishing their dragons were there.Years later Hiccup, Astrid, and their two children, Zephyr and Nuffink, sail across the sea to visit Toothless, the Light Fury, their three offspring, and Stormfly at the edge of the Hidden World; Hiccup vows that until mankind can coexist peacefully with dragons, the dragons will stay hidden while the Berkians guard their secret.


A mother never forgets.

Nothing is known of Valka's childhood. But in her upper teens, during a battle on Berk against the Berserkers under Oswald the Antagonistic, Valka fought them with only her fists, after which Stoick and Valka celebrated their victory by singing a song and dancing together. Stoick would later present her a betrothal gift and then married her. Sometime after, when she was 20 they had a son, whom they named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. About fourteen years prior to the events of the first movie, it was revealed Valka had spent years protesting against the war with the dragons but no one on Berk ever listened to her. During one particular attack, a large four-winged dragon broke into the Haddock house, prompting Valka to rush in to protect an infant Hiccup. When she saw the Stormcutter however, she realized that it was not attacking but was instead merely curious about the human infant, even if accidentally giving him a small scratch in the process. The dragon then approached Valka and the two appeared to make a connection as she saw that everything she had believed about dragons was true. Stoick burst his way into the room and threw an ax in between the Stormcutter and Valka, thinking the dragon was threatening his family. Most likely thinking that Stoick was actually attacking Valka, the Stormcutter grabbed her and flew off with her in its grasp, leaving Stoick and the rest of Berk to believe she had been killed.Valka was instead taken to the Dragon Sanctuary, the home to a giant white dragon known as the Bewilderbeast along with hundreds of other dragons. Valka decided to stay with the dragons, believing Stoick and Hiccup would be better off without her interference in the war between Viking and Dragon. Accepting the fact that Berk could not make peace with the dragon no matter how she had pleaded. Valka soon made it her life's work to rescue other dragons from Drago Bludvist and his trappers. With the help of the dragon who brought her there, Cloudjumper, Valka spent the next 20 years learning the secrets of every dragon species out there.Prior to the beginning of the second film, Valka had managed to break into Eret and his trappers' fort where she, Cloudjumper, and her Bewilderbeast destroyed it and freed the trapped dragons.Due to her presumed death, Valka doesn't appear in person during the first film or the subsequent television series but is mentioned several times.During the events of the first film, Hiccup is given a helmet made from half of Valka's breastplate armor as a reward for his success in Dragon Training. Stoick's helmet is made from the other half to keep her close. In Gift of the Night Fury, a passing dragon knocks the helmet off Hiccup's head when he and Toothless are out flying. After Hiccup gives him a new tail that allows him to fly solo, Toothless flies off for nearly four days looking for it. During Toothless' absence, Stoick tries to comfort Hiccup, saying he knows what it's like to miss someone you love, referring to Valka.It is revealed in "How to Pick Your Dragon" that Stoick met Gobber after catching him talking to Valka. His first words to him were, "That's my wife you're talking to, you one-legged lout!"."Breakneck Bog" is heavily focused on Valka. Hiccup and his friends search for a lost gift that she allegedly gave her son, a plush dragon toy with Hiccup's name stitched on the sides. When he was very young, Hiccup was afraid of dragons and resented the toy, prompting him to throw it in the sea one day while fishing. As Valka disappeared when Hiccup was still a baby, he later worried that he would forget about his mother, so the toy dragon now meant a lot to him.Valka was brought up by Stoick in "Imperfect Harmony" when he and the council were discussing Hiccup's desire for exploring beyond the Archipelago. He mentioned how when she was taken away he never stopped searching for her and no one else stopped him.In "Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 2", Stoick briefly mentioned how Valka was willing to feed him to wild boars when she found out that Gobber was making a baby-sized axe for Hiccup right after he was born.Hiccup mentions in "Sandbusted" that the betrothal gift that he gives to Astrid had once been given to his mother by Stoick when they exchanged gifts at their betrothal.

Fatal Flaw


Growing up in the limelight and having camera's around, Valka learned quickly to have a tough exterior. The media would get things wrong for a juicier story and she should take everything to heart. She watched as other models, actors, and singers all got into trouble, and did things for their quick happiness. None of that ever appealed to the brunette.Despite still having tough skin, she had a kind heart and tried to make sure others benefitted from things she did or created. She'd go out and read to children, volunteer at a soup kitchen, and donate money. When others were in need of help she'd try to help them. She also fell victim to becoming friends with someone quickly only to be let down when it turned out their friendship wasn't genuine. Even then, she'd still smile and carry on as if things never fell apart with them.



Valka started modeling at the age of thirteen when she was scouted from the beach on vacation. At first, her family thought it was a scam, but the more they looked into it they decided they would take a chance. Instantly, Valka rose to fame within the modeling world and was instantly asked for when they needed a young girl or young teenager for their shoots.As Valka grew, so did her schedule. She was almost shooting every day if not multiple times a day. While most models stopped at the age of twenty-one, Valka continued to be vigilant at keeping herself looking young. Some media sources stated that she found the fountain of youth while others claimed she had plastic surgery.As her jobs started to slow down, she started getting into movies and shorts. She continued to model as much as she could since she was better at that, but she was transitioning more to acting since model agencies wanted younger women.


  • Howl - Co-star


Valka grew up in a normal loving house. One day when her family went on vacation to the beach, a talent scout spotted Valka in her bikini and gave her parents their card hoping that they would contact her to allow their daughter to model since she had the perfect body and skin quality. There had been many stories of women being scouted and it being a scam, this was a little different since the parents had been addressed versus their daughter being talked to. They were also able to find a lot about the agency online and all the reputable sources claiming they were one of the better agencies out there.That's how, at thirteen, Valka became a model.Valka was hardworking and determined to be good in her field. Her mother homeschooled her and refused to let her work unless her grades were good. One gig was lost when her mother didn't allow her to go because she failed a test. That was a hard lesson and a big fight between her mother and her. However, that incident proved to her that with determination and hard work, she was allowed to have both things in her life. She was a hard worker and didn't like sitting still for too long, so she started booking more and more shoots when she got older.While other models started dropping out of the scene, Valka remained vigilant in staying in the spotlight by keeping her body in shape, exercising right, eating all the right food, and using all the products that would be nice to her skin. She even continued to work on her school work, even got accepted into college. She had been afraid that at one point her agency would drop her so she needed to have a fallback. Thankfully, her agency never dropped her, even after the woman got into her late twenties-early thirties.Around this time her agency started to introduce her to films. She landed a small part in a movie as a waitress with a few lines. Without a husband or children, she continued to work hard on her modeling and now budding film career. While she wasn't working, she was finding time to help out the less fortunate, giving to charities, helping in shelters or food kitchens, and reading to children at the local library.At night, Valka relaxes in her hot tub with a good book in the rich part of town with lots of security measures in place in Elysian Fields. She rarely spends time at her house since she isn't one for staying still, but as she's gotten older, she's started to slow down just a hair waiting on jobs and auditions.